Black Leaf Herb Grinder








How do you get rid of spider mites? Even if they have webbed the plant??? 



There are many ways to get rid of spider mites. Some people swear by safers soap or sunlight soap and water, others prefer to use natural organic pesticides or predator mites. The only way I've ever seen for sure is to take some toilet paper and wipe off the leaves so that there is no webbing on them you will also take tons of spider mites off in the process, next get an automatic barn bug sprayer and put konk insecticide spray in it. The automatic mister will spray once every 5-10 minutes, leave it on for a week to ten days and when it's done there won't be a living bug in the room. I do not recommend this if you have buds on your plants as it might taint the flavour, this is an extreme method for veg. growth plants only.




Can you tell me the best way to create my own super strain???



There are many variations of good strains out there right now but if want to create a really good strain of your own find these three traits in other strains 1.) Large bud producer (Good Yield) 2.) Good flavour for taste 3. ) High THC content.

You would start by cross breeding the big bud strain and the high THC content strains. There are literally thousands of genetic possibilities when you hybrid strains. The most dominant characteristics will usually emerge from the new strain. Then I would cross the good flavoured strain with the first hybrid. If everything works out right (the very best strains are used for the cross breeding) you should have one really wild strain that you can call your own high grade.




I noticed a black mould growing on the roof of my grow room and in the closet is there anything I can do to get rid of it or at least slow it down till my room is done??? Please HELP!!!



Once the black mould shows up the only way to get rid of it for sure is to take down the room and air it out, clean the walls with Mr. Clean, air out the room some more then wait a couple of weeks check to see if any mould has come back and if it has repeat the process again. If the mould is all gone take some polly fill and spread it over where the mould was and re-paint the room with a thick flat white paint.

To curtail it until the plants are done clean the mould off with Mr. Clean and air the room out totally. Get a dehumidifier to take moisture out of the air and put it in the room on 3/4 full setting and add some more fans in the room for better air circulation.



Super Seed Deals


Indoor Mix


Jock Horror feminized



Medusa feminized